Goodbye Christopher Robin

Released: 2017

Director: Simon Curtis

Cast: Margot Robbie, Domhnall Gleeson, Kelly Macdonald

Everyone remembers Winnie the Pooh. Whether you liked it or not, it was and still is around. This film focuses on A. A. Milne (Gleeson) the writer who created Winnie the Pooh. After WWI, Alan suffers from shellshock or as we now term it PTSD. He struggles with it as he tries to figure out his next piece of work.

After the birth of his son Christopher Robin, Alan and his family move to the countryside hoping for inspiration to write.

One day with his son he starts to have imagination for him. They start to name the stuffed animals that his son has. Winnie for the bear, tigger for the tiger.

Alan brings the animals to life in a way only the most imaginative can do and its breathtaking. Enjoying time with his son, he finally brings Christopher’s stuffed animals to life through literature.

There are a few parallels to Finding Neverland that I enjoyed. I felt sad for young Christopher aka Billy Moon and the way he was treated once the books became big. And its yet another role I dislike Margot Robbie in. Insensitive character. But thank God she didn’t have that terrible nasally Brooklyn accent. I don’t care much for her acting. But I sympathized with Olive the nanny (Macdonald).

Through the film, Alan realizes the toll it took on his son and how it followed him in his life.


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